Hardest Decision

Assalamualaikum... salam pembuka bicara
aku sebuah blog. aku sebuah blog. aku sebuah blog.

ada satu decision paling susah pernah di buat tuan ku seumur hidup dia... decision yg menentukan masa dpn beliau... and it happened in year 2002... whether to accept or not offer to matriculation...

tawaran tu merupakan panggilan ke-2 utk masuk matric...
n keputusan UPU masih blum keluar. klu dia xmasuk matric, blum tentu lagi dia dpt smbung blajar ke peringkat lbh tinggi. mak n ayah tuan ku kata, keputusan harus dibuat oleh tuan ku sendiri sbb mereka xnk tuan ku salahkan org lain atas keputusan itu satu hari nnti... berhari2 tuan ku xleh tdo memikirkan offer tu, and keputusan yg nk dibuat...

tuan ku susah nk accept offer tu sbb panggilan tu adalah panggilan ke-2... tuan ku mmg xske, sbb rasa seolah2 dia dlm golongan rejected... so based on dat pendirian, he reject it!
and he glad dat he made that choice right...

Tuanku kata...
to be honest with u all, accepting offer to SimeDarby Property is the second hardest decision to be made by me. bkn xske dpt offer tu... sgt suke... but I have certain reasons if not to accept the offer, because of my pendirian... again. But dun worry, still not made my decision yet... even 95% of people I asked advice me to accept it :P but tq very much sbb amik berat... and I believe klu aku terima tawaran tu pun, it is because of other people around me who care me so much. thanx guy :) 

klu ada masa aku akan view list why to accept and why not to accept the offer, based on wani punya suggestion

*klu korang pernah tgk cerita The Family Man lakonan Nicholas Cage, aku andaikan situasi aku skang dlm keadaan dia bfore he accept offer to London. Nway, anyhow thanx in advance to En Wan for the offer. glad to have the opportunity to made this decision :)

pengajaran dan iktibar yg boleh diambil:
ada org kta, don't let other people change on what u dream. but honestly it is hard sometimes...

3 Response to "Hardest Decision"

  1. Tanpa Nama Says:
    8 Jun 2008 pada 8:17 PTG


  2. Author says:
    8 Jun 2008 pada 8:33 PTG

    setuju.. buat istiharah but still xbrape nk nmpak lagi.. mb sbb byk dosa kot, huhu

  3. wani ezryl * says:
    9 Jun 2008 pada 8:08 PG

    lolx boleh pulak tau byk dosa ..ekekeh. xde la, ko kne niat sesungguh2 hati ms nk tido tu [walaupun kite pon xpernah try, dgr2 org ckp je] :PP

    matric jimat ms, but belajar mcm hape (science science science. akh tidakkk) <--xapply matric sbb ingtkan jauh :P