Assalamualaikum... salam pembuka bicara
aku tuan blog. aku tuan blog. aku tuan blog.
Today bad news, Steve Jobs has passed away. I never met him in real life but as many out there, i feel the world stop for a while. The world has lost an ambitious person.
It kept me thinking, even a great people died. After contributed so much to the world, he still left the world and no one could do anything about it.
Steve Jobs once said: "Death is the destination we all share, no one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be because death is very likely the single best invention of life."
As Apple user for the past 7 years, i admire his innovation. As entreprenuer, i admire his visionary. As designer, i admire his creativity. And engineer, i admire his perfectionist. And as a whole, i admire him for knowing what he wants and what he's gonna do.
I just feel sorry for him for not being a muslim after so much contribution he gave to the world. Firman Allah s.w.t: "Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang kafir dan mati di dalam keadaan kafir, mereka ditimpa laknat Allah dan laknat para malaikat dan manusia seluruhnya. Mereka kekal di dalam laknat itu dan azab itu tidak akan diringankan dan tidak pula diberi tempoh kelonggaran."(Al-Baqarah: 161-162)
As conclusion, his death knock my head and says:
1. "kehidupan ini hanyalah tumpangan buat sementara dan akhirat jua tempat yg kekal buat selama-lamanya".
2. "kalau kamu kejar dunia, dunia akan pergi lebih jauh. Tapi kalau kamu kejar akhirat, dunia akan datang kepada kamu".
3. "pastikan dalam setiap perbuatan kamu di dunia ini akan menabung kepada saham akhirat". -and that include while you are writting your blog
My last words to him would be "Thank you for everything you have done to the world (dengan izin Allah)". Waullahualam.
- Sent from my iPhone
Yuki's passing
3 hari yang lalu
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