One BIG step!

Selipar Jepun

I was thinking on doing something big (nop, not that big)...
Big step that might change things...
That can be a leap forward, and can be a leap backward...

It's the risk. As a businessman, risk is a must...
I'll tell you later if it works... and if it is not...
my instinct said dat the time might has come...

pst.. nop, not the car story...
pstt..  nop, I'm not getting married soon la... btunang pun bukan!

4 Response to "One BIG step!"

  1. bzz says:
    18 April 2008 pada 5:55 PTG

    listing company kat bskl?

  2. Author says:
    18 April 2008 pada 7:32 PTG

    IPO utk dijual, lelongg lelongg...
    sape nk beliii...???

    nmpaknya xde org nk beli, haha

  3. Tanpa Nama Says:
    20 April 2008 pada 6:17 PG

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  4. Tanpa Nama Says:
    20 April 2008 pada 1:49 PTG

    Bukan car atau kawen?? ape ye..