Apple vs Bola

Assalamualaikum... salam pembuka bicara
aku sebuah blog. aku sebuah blog. aku sebuah blog.

tuan ku is Apple's big fan...
skang ni kt US sedang berlangsung Apple WWDC 2008 (Worldwide Developers Conference)...
so, while sume org gile xtdo tgk bola live (Euro 2008), tuan ku tgk dgr this event.. LIVE

the biggest news as expected is iPhone 3G... (xkira, nk beli gakkkk!!!)

Photo courtesy by gizmodo

Battery hours? 300 hours of standby, 2G talk-time now has 10 hours (as opposed to 5), 5 hours of 3G talk-time (most phones only have 3 hour 3G talk time), 5 to 6 hours of high-speed browsing, 7 hours of video, 24 hours of audio.

harga? The iPhone 3G 8GB will sell for... $199. dan 16GB only $299 (a white version of this size will be available too).

for updates and details leh check-it-out kt

Tuanku kata...
aku nk beli.. nk beli...!!! bila nk masuk malaysia ni...!!! klu ikut plan apple, mmg xkan masuk malaysia dlm masa terdekat :( paling dekat masuk singapore.. huhu

pengajaran dan iktibar yg boleh diambil:
duduk kt US, jgn duk kt Malaysia :P

5 Response to "Apple vs Bola"

  1. wani ezryl * says:
    10 Jun 2008 pada 8:21 PG

    $199? $299? dats quite affordable. ko kne pindah spore la japgi ni.. haha.

  2. Zainal Abidin says:
    10 Jun 2008 pada 10:50 PG

    hahhaa....ko tgk vide conference smlm ku kelakar jer aku tgk...saip ade bunyi org menaip lak tu..hehe...anyway memang respect org2 apple nie...tahap daya juang mereka memang tinggi...aku pun mcm berminat jer dlm iphone...jom kita beli blank..bile keluar kat malaysia la..thun bile tu xtau la kan

  3. Author says:
    10 Jun 2008 pada 11:03 PG

    $299 mmg affordable wani...
    jaynal, jom beli! mslhnya ntah bila nk kuar kt malaysia, n versi baru ni lebih susah nk crack sbb xleh activate guna online lagi.. huhu

  4. ejoy trailblazr says:
    10 Jun 2008 pada 12:02 PTG

    ish.. menarik giler harganya.. huhu.. bile nk gerak spore ni kwn2?

  5. Author says:
    10 Jun 2008 pada 12:46 PTG

    aku terpelik seketika merenungkan ape kah itu spore... rupa2nya singapore... haha... :P

    jom spore!