Gatherin for the baby!

Assalamualaikum... salam pembuka bicara
aku sebuah blog. aku sebuah blog. aku sebuah blog.

after few 'nothing happening days' in the weeks... tetiba tuan ku dpt kol (ker sms ek???) dr ejoy smalam. Amy turun KL tonite! amy is tuan ku's discozmate friend (kengkawan diploma tuan ku called as discozmate). back a year ago, tuan ku pg terengganu bersama ejoy, hizami n jubir ke majlis perkahwinan amy, dan 2 bulan lepas dgr cite dia dh melahirkan anak lelaki, Nora Adam Danish.

since this is the great opportunity to meet the baby, ejoy n tuan ku plan an adhoc gathering, malam tu jugak! not expected much, sbb dpt tau pun dekat tghari n had to plan it less than a day... n plan remotely. Diaorg setup the small gathering @KLCC foodcourt.

So, dipendekan cerita, gathering pun berlangsung... so this is the baby, Adam Danish:

Adam Danish

Then, suddenly everybody (except tuan ku n pekan -the photographers) want to be parents...

Ben, father wanna beTwo moms wanna be

Finally, the baby goes back to their real mom n dad... emi and her husband (forgot his name :P)

Emi & Adam 1
Parents & Baby

Pastu, ada la sesi penyampaian hadiah from jubir n yana. yg lain sume xsempat nk beli... or dlm erti kata lain, dh ujung bulan n xde duit nk beli.. hehe

A Gift

Oh, last but not least, thanx to them who are able to spend their time utk menjayakan gathering ni :) without them, the gathering will not happening as last nite.

All the boys
the boys (apsl ko tutup mata ben??). not in the photo: azran

A Mom, and moms wanna be
the gurlz. not in the photo: erni n mazia

Couples Cozmate yg malu2 
ohh, lupe plak tuan ku ada amik gmbar mazia n azran together-gether yg sedang malu2

Tuanku kata...
- thanx to my brother's 50mm lens, all the photos are awesome. 
- pelik bila tgk mazia without wani.. they used to always be together-gether during diploma
- thanx to ejoy sgt2 yg byk bekorban utk mlm ni. dtg dari jauh, contact amy, n beli kek utk dat nite.. thanx alot!
- other photos can be seen here. br upload skit, sbb gmbar wedding abg n cousin aku aritu pun byk lg xedit.. hehe. klu dh upload sume aku akan inform k ;)

pengajaran dan iktibar yg boleh diambil:
tau x PR, iaitu public relation. org kta kita kena jaga PR ngan kengkawan, especially lelaki. sbb akan ada masa kita akan perlukan pertolongan kengkawan kita, becoz we all can't live alone! kawan jgn ditolak, musuh jgn dicari... (ada ke peribahasa ni???)

5 Response to "Gatherin for the baby!"

  1. wani ezryl * says:
    29 Jun 2008 pada 7:33 PG

    coolio! haha. eh apsal korang adalah nampak kurus dalam gambar2. adakah ko telah meng-editnya? ekekeh jk!

    helo amy's baby! *wave* x]

  2. Author says:
    29 Jun 2008 pada 12:40 PTG

    sori for the kurus gambar.. not my fault, but blog ni punya setting yg memenyekkan dia.. :P

    aku suggest kt korang to view the photos from my flickr. enjoy!

  3. ejoy trailblazr says:
    30 Jun 2008 pada 12:19 PG

    yeah.. kami semua mmg kurus la wanie.. hehe *lain benar rasanya kerna adanya mazia tetapi takde wanie :p

  4. wani ezryl * says:
    30 Jun 2008 pada 9:26 PG

    alah sabtu tu je. ahad tu gwe lepak dgn mazia dgn fini.. hahaa

  5. Author says:
    30 Jun 2008 pada 12:49 PTG

    fini pun xdtg gak mlm tu, huhu... aku rasa dh jmput sume dh... or mb diaorg dh tukar nombor n aku xtau kot