Tulisan beremosi

He's not in the mood

Assalamualaikum... salam pembuka bicara
aku sebuah blog. aku sebuah blog. aku sebuah blog.

ape korang rasa bila benda yg korang contribute selama ni (wit passion), ttba ko rasa xde kepentingan dlm diri ko? sometimes ko terasa cm xdihargai. ko xde fikir sgt or xde berkira psl duit, but it turn out at one point ko rasa spt dipergunakan...

cmtu la tuan ku rasa sekarang. dua tahun dia usaha and bantu, all out. in fact kdg2 tuan ku rasa contribution terlalu byk smpai mengenepikan kepentingan diri sendiri. tuan ku accept, dat not everybody is gifted so dat he accept kelemahan org lain and percaya setiap org ada kelebihan tersendiri.

now dat he feels like this, he would wanted to be the boss of himself who can made decisions, not just suggestions.

Tuanku kata...
biasanya kejap je aku emo, esk ok la tu...

pengajaran dan iktibar yg boleh diambil:
klu korang tengah emosi, n tulis blog... sure org meluat baca post ko. lbh2 lagi bila panjang2. unless ko tulis diari. bcoz blog is not equal to diary

6 Response to "Tulisan beremosi"

  1. wani ezryl * says:
    25 Jun 2008 pada 8:27 PG

    it's ok to release the burden sometimes ^__^

    ye ah kan, kite baik dgn orang xsemestinya orang tu sebaik yg kite expect. (eh betul ke kata2 ni dgn kes ko? ahax) xpe lah ape2 yg baik tu Tuhan akan balas jugak x]

  2. ejoy trailblazr says:
    25 Jun 2008 pada 10:26 PG

    rise of the blanqonism.. :D

  3. Zainal Abidin says:
    25 Jun 2008 pada 11:03 PG

    aku pun xtau nak komen aper...sabar la blank. kitorg masih di sisi ko...hehe

  4. bEn says:
    25 Jun 2008 pada 1:34 PTG

    huh? i think we walked the same path here fren..patience young padawan..each happen for a reason.. :)

  5. Author says:
    25 Jun 2008 pada 2:24 PTG

    mekasih bebanyak.. korang ni cm memahami jer situasi yg diceritakan :P

  6. Tanpa Nama Says:
    25 Jun 2008 pada 9:03 PTG

    Very often when we put othrs desires before our own, we sacrifice our own dreams and happiness.U r suppose to make your own decisions and choices.
    If u are not being true to your own selves how can u ever be true to anyone else?
    Some situation u need to attend to yourself first before assisting others.. That is just my opinion, no hard felling ok.