Apple Store, we welcome you!

Assalamualaikum... salam pembuka bicara
aku sebuah blog. aku sebuah blog. aku sebuah blog.

ohoooo, berite gembira utk apple fan kt malaysia...

apple store kini berniaga dalam nilai RINGGIT!
see here to see ur self:

Tuan ku kata...
petanda apekah ini? adakah Apple Retail Store akan dibuka di malaysia tidak lama lagi? atau mungkinkah iPhone akan masuk Malaysia dgn legal awal tahun depan? iTunes Music Store?

pengajaran dan iktibar yg boleh diambil:

Here's to the crazy ones...
The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square hole.
The ones who see things differently.
They're not fond of rules. 
And they have no respect for the status quo. 
You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. 
About the only thing you can't do is ignore them... 
Because they change things. 
They push the human race forward. 
And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. 
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world,
are the ones who do...

3 Response to "Apple Store, we welcome you!"

  1. wani ezryl * says:
    12 November 2008 pada 8:40 PTG

    wahh pasni bolehlah ko membeli-belah kat apple store dgn lebih seronok xDD beli je la iphone tu. tempah tiket ke US skang :P

  2. uShop says:
    14 November 2008 pada 6:05 PG

    gembire gile bile dapat tau aritu.
    skang ni beli barang kat kedai, xleh tulis name.
    pasni boleh ar beli online kat msia n tulis2 belakang ipod xDD

    /skang ni tgh berdebar menanti ipod baru yg Aku pesan kat membe US sampai kat tangan. kene la beli online apple store us sbb nk engraved name.huhu semate mate :P

  3. uShop says:
    14 November 2008 pada 6:07 PG

    eh tuan punye blog.
    telupe laks..itune music store malaysia dh memang ade la. g tgk kat itune anda.