Assalamualaikum... salam pembuka bicara
aku sebuah blog. aku sebuah blog. aku sebuah blog.
long story short, this is SILVER and see if that is the same as you guess... so, of course rumors yg len2 tu hanyalah rumors :P
plat no is covered atas sbb2 keselamatan kata awek tuan ku. spec dia aku xyah cite kot... korang bkn xpenah tgk myvi. but the real reason ianya dibeli ialah sbb interest kete yg telah naik ke 4.3% utk kete tempatan. and SILVER terselamat pada kadar 3.88%, a week before naik.
sepatutnya post ni dibuat smalam sbb pick it yesterday afternoon kul6pm (the salesgirl said to be out on wed thurs... damn!). tp sbb penat gile smlm n xsmpat amik gmbo, so post dibuat pg ni (awal2 pg lagi dh turun tingkat4 amik gmbo, huhu.. giler arrhhh).
some of you had seen it mlm td spt hizami n ziti n kupik. klu Myvi ejoy dipanggil Myvito, Savvy raja dipanggil Kimi Raikkonen and soon enough Myvi Ben bernama Maya Karin, so this Myvi tuan ku panggil Lisa Surihani SILVER (woit, nk kena bunuh ngan awek ke???).
well, dat is and wat is SILVER. n ingat, rumors doesn't always had to be true. sbb ianya hanyalah rumor. and the real truth is, this car is NOT BELONG to tuan ku... it's belong to awek's tuan ku!
well, dat is and wat is SILVER. n ingat, rumors doesn't always had to be true. sbb ianya hanyalah rumor. and the real truth is, this car is NOT BELONG to tuan ku... it's belong to awek's tuan ku!
Tuanku kata...
- sib baik bkn kete aku.. klu x mesti nama dia bkn SILVER :P
- teringat aku 4 tahun dating naik bas upm n komuter...ada sape brani mau challenge???
- myvi is still not my taste, as mentioned before. but ni kete awek aku n dia berminat sgt ngan myvi. so ikut dia la dia nk beli kete ape kan... dpt tumpang pun dh baik sgt la tu, huhu
- first post psl SILVER/rumor ialah hari kitaorg g booking. second post psl SILVER ialah hari downpayment dibayar, while this post psl kete ni diambil. n sbb tu le aku post 2 kali bfore this psl SILVER.
- skang secara xrasminya dh terjoin kelab geng2 myvi discozmate spt ejoy, wani, n ben
pengajaran dan iktibar yg boleh diambil:
Sesetengah org kate kete is an investment but they are totally wrong. It's a liability. and liability akan mengorek poket anda sepanjang masa n merugikan anda. tp, to be honest it is hard if you don't have a car in case of emergency for example. lagi2 cm umur aku ni, ramai memember nk kawin dh... so kena la melawat diaorg, huhu
2 Ogos 2008 pada 8:53 PG
totally true. kereta adalah liabiliti. hartanah adalah aset! mahaha~ :P
o well, akhirnya kebenaran terserlah! *ambik ko ayat! ahax* :P kite ske blogger2 yg enthusiastic turun tingkat 4 ambik gambar camni (sgt rajin, sgt dedicate) xDD oo kire ada la sipi2 rumor yg kite teka tu.. lolx. nice one! welkam to the club, ina! nk tggu ben beli pulak pasni ;]
p/s: terima kasih byk2 sbb kasi link tuto podcast tu. mmg da lama kite carik ahaha. thnx!! *baling bunga2 kat blankqo*
p/s2: ko pulak adakah akan beli kereta dlm ms terdekat? fiat ke honda ke ;]
2 Ogos 2008 pada 9:00 PG
rumor ko teka mmg dh betul, tp xleh la gtau as btul awal2.. xsurprise nnti :P
fiy, aku xkan beli kete dlm masa terdekat. mak aku penah kate pakcik aku pandai sbb carik bini yg ada kete... so aku pun nk jadi pandai gak la, haha :P
2 Ogos 2008 pada 10:44 PG
wa... finally.. its true.. hehe
cant wait to meet SILVER tonite.. ahax!
yah, mostly.. welkam to da club.. bile dah cukup korum ni.. leh la wat gatherin n tangkap gambar keta ramai2.. haha
k la.. nk g kelas!
2 Ogos 2008 pada 12:31 PTG
patut la gi saouthcity.... gi basuh kete tmpt lama ka? hahahaha
Amacam? Gi penang next week kita race? bukan myvi dgn iswara. Tapi myvi ngan GTI?
4 Ogos 2008 pada 10:11 PG
wah...aku terbau unsur2 mengetepikan savvy aku...xpe, kimi xkesah...
kwakwakaka... ;p
4 Ogos 2008 pada 12:16 PTG
gua pn bangga gak sbb jd org pertama tgk n mengetest drive SILVER 2...selepas owner dia laa...huhuhuhu...
4 Ogos 2008 pada 12:39 PTG
ejoy --> wah, gathering myvi :P
bzz --> myvi vs gti? harusla gti menang... klu gti kalah, baik naik beca je lumba :P
kaizen --> ko hasut la member2 lain beli savvy, huhu
chinan --> lu jugak org yg terawal tau rumor sbnr SILVER :D
5 Ogos 2008 pada 8:29 PTG
huhuhu...bangga....bangga...korg sumer xtau lg...aku dh tau sbb aku dh sign surat akta rahsia rasmi...maka rahsia 2 tetap tersemat...chewahhh!!!!!